Connect & Play Counselling and Consulting

Offering counselling for children, youth & their families through play in the Okanagan & online.

There’s no right answer when it comes to parenting.

It’s left to the parents to navigate the overload of information coming through, often in isolation. When we find some semblance of fit within our own family it often provides short relief until the next set of challenges is presented.

Parenting can be fuelled by shame. Thinking you’re not enough. It can be filled with joy. Holding onto each moment.

I’m here to support you in finding your voice as a parent. What kind of parent would you be if the other voices were a little bit more quiet?

Through our work together we can begin connect back to the person you want to be and have your children/youth show up as they are. You don't have to do this alone. Trust you are where you need to be in this moment.

Being a parent is hard.

Kimberly Embleton RSW, MSW

Kimberly is a Registered Social Worker & Certified Synergetic Play Therapist based in Vernon, British Columbia. She has a passion for child/youth advocacy & believes in a team approach when it comes to supporting individuals & families. Kimberly strives to empower families and encourages them to parent in a way that aligns with their own values/beliefs while integrating current understanding of neuroscience & child development. Kimberly works primarily as a child centred, child-led therapist which means children/youth decide what they want the therapeutic relationship to look like.

Why Play Therapy?

Play Therapy allows individuals to communicate their thoughts and feelings on a symbolic level. Children or youth may struggle to find the words to express their emotions or may not even be aware of what they are feeling. Play is often referred to as a child’s language. In play therapy, the counsellor provides a safe, non threatening environment to process emotions, experiences and challenges through an authentic and attuned therapeutic relationship. Through the use of various play materials such as art, toys & games, individuals can externalize their internal experiences in a way that feels comfortable and familiar to them.

Play Therapy promotes the development of self-awareness and self-acceptance. Through the interaction with play materials and the guidance of a trained play therapist, individuals can gain insights into their strengths and unique qualities. This self-discovery fosters a sense of confidence, enabling individuals to have a more neutral self-image and navigate life with greater inner resources.

Play therapy is an alternative to traditional talk therapies as it does not require the child or youth to speak during session. Play therapy may be an avenue to explore for your child if they struggle with verbal communication, emotional regulation and have a desire to play, move and engage in art.

Choosing a counsellor that fits for you & your family is hard. I offer a free 15 minute phone consultation to answer any questions you may have and assess fit for services.

“It takes approximately 400 repetitions to create a new synapse in the brain, unless it is done in play, in which case it only takes 10-20 repetitions. ”

— Karyn Purvis